/* samplec.c
  A C programming example of interfacing with the 
  The problem:
     MAX = 20 * A + 30 * C 
     S.T.       A +  2 * C  <= 120
                A           <=  60
                         C  <=  50
   Solving such a problem with the LINDO API involves 
   the following steps:
      1. Create a LINDO environment.
      2. Create a model in the environment.
      3. Specify the model.
      4. Perform the optimization.
      5. Retrieve the solution.
      6. Delete the LINDO environement.


/* LINDO API header file */
#include "lindo.h"

/* license.h must be edited to include the license key 
    that came with your software */
#include "license.h"

/* Define a macro to declare variables for 
    error checking */
   int nErrorCode; \
   char cErrorMessage[LS_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH] \
/* Define a macro to do our error checking */
   if (nErrorCode) \
   { \
      if ( pEnv) \
      { \
         LSgetErrorMessage( pEnv, nErrorCode, \
          cErrorMessage); \
         printf("Errorcode=%d:  %s\n", nErrorCode, \
          cErrorMessage); \
      } else {\
         printf( "Fatal Error\n"); \
      } \
      exit(1); \
   } \

/* main entry point */
void main()

/* Number of constraints */
   int nM = 3;

/* Number of variables */
   int nN = 2;

/* declare an instance of the LINDO environment object */
   pLSenv pEnv;  

/* declare an instance of the LINDO model object */
   pLSmodel pModel;  

/* >>> Step 1 <<< Create a LINDO environment. Note: 
    MY_LICENSE_KEY must be defined in license.h to 
    be the license key shipped with your software. */
   pEnv = LScreateEnv ( &nErrorCode, MY_LICENSE_KEY); 
   if ( nErrorCode == LSERR_NO_VALID_LICENSE) 
      printf( "Invalid License Key!\n");
      exit( 1);
/* >>> Step 2 <<< Create a model in the environment. */
   pModel = LScreateModel ( pEnv, &nErrorCode); 


/* >>> Step 3 <<< Specify the model.
 To specify our model, we make a call to LSloadLPData, 
  passing it:
 - A pointer to the model which we are specifying(pModel)
 - The number of constraints in the model
 - The number of variables in the model
 - The direction of the optimization (i.e. minimize or 
 -  maximize)
 - The value of the constant term in the objective (may 
    be zero)
 - The coefficients of the objective function
 - The right-hand sides of the constraints
 - The types of the constraints 
 - The number of nonzeros in the constraint matrix
 - The indices of the first nonzero in each column
 - The length of each column
 - The nonzero coefficients
 - The row indices of the nonzero coefficients
 - Simple upper and lower bounds on the variables
/* The direction of optimization */
      int nDir = LS_MAX;

/* The objective's constant term */
      double dObjConst = 0.;

/* The coefficients of the objective function */
      double adC[2] = { 20., 30.};

/* The right-hand sides of the constraints */
      double adB[3] = { 120., 60., 50.};

/* The constraint types */
      char acConTypes[3] = {'L', 'L', 'L'}; 

/* The number of nonzeros in the constraint matrix */
      int nNZ = 4;

/* The indices of the first nonzero in each column */
      int anBegCol[3] = { 0, 2, nNZ};

/* The length of each column.  Since we aren't leaving
    any blanks in our matrix, we can set this to NULL */
      int *pnLenCol = NULL;

/* The nonzero coefficients */
      double adA[4] = { 1., 1., 2., 1.};

/* The row indices of the nonzero coefficients */
      int anRowX[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 2};

/* Simple upper and lower bounds on the variables.
    By default, all variables have a lower bound of zero 
    and an upper bound of infinity.  Therefore pass NULL 
    pointers in order to use these default values. */
      double *pdLower = NULL, *pdUpper = NULL;

/* We have now assembled a full description of the model. 
    We pass this information to LSloadLPData with the 
    following call. */
      nErrorCode = LSloadLPData( pModel, nM, nN, nDir, 
       dObjConst, adC, adB, acConTypes, nNZ, anBegCol, 
       pnLenCol, adA, anRowX, pdLower, pdUpper);


 /* >>> Step 4 <<< Perform the optimization */
   nErrorCode = LSoptimize( pModel, 


 /* >>> Step 5 <<< Retrieve the solution */
      int i;
      double adX[ 2], dObj;

 /* Get the value of the objective */
      LSgetObjective( pModel, &dObj) ;

      printf( "Objective Value = %g\n", dObj);

 /* Get the variable values */
      nErrorCode = LSgetPrimalSolution ( pModel, adX);

      printf ("Primal values = ");
      for (i = 0; i < nN; i++) printf( "%g ", adX[i]);
      printf ("\n");


 /* >>> Step 6 <<< Delete the LINDO environment */
   nErrorCode = LSdeleteEnv( pEnv); 